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Food and Beverages Industry - Facts & Figures 2016
Category: Microeconomic Analysis
SubCategory: Food and beverages
Date: 06/04/2017
The role of the domestic food industry is fundamental for the Greek manufacturing industry and more broadly for the Greek economy. The Greek Food industry is one of the most important sectors of the domestic economy and a driving force of the Greek manufacturing, which significantly affects total production. The Greek Food and Drink industry is a dynamic, competitive and extrovert industry, with significant investment activity in Greece, the Balkans and throughout Europe. The industry retains, even during the prolonged recession period of the Greek economy, its fundamental role and remains a growth driver. The annual report of the Food and Drink Industry (Facts & Figures) is published in collaboration with the Association of Greek Food Industries (SEVT), contributing to the systematic monitoring of the food sector in Greece. Food and Drink Industry Facts & Figures report presents and analyses the structural changes of the sector and its sub-sectors, as well as its most recent developments and trends in Greece and the EU.

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