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ICT Adoption and Digital Growth in Greece
Category: Macroeconomic Analysis
SubCategory: Energy
Date: 10/06/2015
Τhe rapid evolution of digital technologies and especially of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) creates great challenges for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, being thus a crucial flagship initiative of the Europe Strategy 2020. Greece has not yet captured the benefits of ICT adoption since it still falls behind EU average in 65 out of 84 ICT indicators (77%) based on the European Digital Agenda (Digital Agenda Scoreboard, 2013). The scope of this study in to measure the economic importance and the potential benefits that could be derived from the implementation of four “digital projects”. The choice of the specific priority areas was driven by the strategic framework in digital growth designed for the period 2014-2020 at European and Greek policy level of analysis. The key priority areas under examination include: 1) enhancement of e-skills 2) development and use of digital solutions regarding the transactions between public administration and citizens/businesses 3) development of open data 4) creation of new opportunities for innovative SME’s and start-ups. The implementation of these digital projects is thought to render big benefits for the economy in terms of exports, country’s competitiveness & transparency, job creation, innovation, e.t.c.
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