Research Activities
Press Office
Supporters Club
Press Office
Upcoming Events:
Past Events:
Business and Consumer Surveys - JANUARY 2025
Press conference: The Greek Economy 4o/2024
E-discussion IOBE | The European economies and the new challenges
Digital Press conference :Τhe Contribution of Golf to the Greek Economy
IOBE | Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2024
Press release ΙΟΒΕ
Press conference | Research presentation on the Paper Industry in Greece
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 2ο/2024
4th Korean - Hellenic Maritime Cooperation Forum
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 1/2024
Press Conference TMEDE-IOBE
Annual Conference on the Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Greece
IOBE & RPP | Social and Economic Trends in the Greek Regions
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2023
Analysis of the financial sizes of the public hospitals in Greece
World Bank -IOBE| The future of Work|15.12.2023
Press conference :The manufacturing sector in Greece: New challenges and prospects for sustainable development in the evolving European and global environment
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2023
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 2/2023
ΙΟΒΕ | E-discussion | Daron Acemoglu
Press Conference "Intergenerational Mobility in Education: Socio-economic factors, performance and professional plans of students in Greece "
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 01/2023
World Bank - IOBE | Business Pulse Survey Results for Greece and other EU countries
Digital Press conference "Digital payments in Greece during the pandemic crisis"
Online Study Presentation:
EY-IOBE|Press conference|20.03.2023
Presentation of the Study on the contribution of Civil Society to the Greek economy
Study Presentation| Adaptation to climate change: Prospects and challenges for the Greek economy.
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2022
Climate Change - Actions of Climate-KIC in Greece
Stakeholder Workshop on the Implementation of the Recovery & Resilience Plan for Greece
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2022
Press Conference TMEDE-IOBE
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 2/2022
IOBE-SfEE Press Conference
Presentation of IOBE study on the demographic issue
2022 Korean - Hellenic Maritime Cooperation Forum
Online Study Presentation:
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 1ο/2022
Digital Press Conference: Annual Entrepreneurship Report 2020-2021: Mild impacts of pandemic on early stage entrepreneurship
e-Discussion "The impact of the war in Ukraine on Europe's major economies"
Digital Event | Thursday 31 March 2022 | 16:00 - 19:00 CET | Closed Event
IOBE Study Presentation | Digital health and Real World Data in Greece
Online Conference: “RCEA Conference on Recent Developments in Economics, Econometrics and Finance”
«The role of the Greek Plastics Industry in the Circular Economy»
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2021
“On the Innovativeness of Micro, Small, and Medium Sized Enterprises in Greece and Germany – INNOMSME” Athens | 07.12.2021
Online Book Presentation “The right place: How national competitiveness makes or breaks companies”
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2021
Tribute ‘Theodoros Papalexopoulos’
Online conference Greece and the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility
Online event "The role of Infrastructure and Construction Industry in the next day for the Greek economy"
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 2/2021
Digital Press Conference"The Pharmaceutical Market in Greece: Facts and Figures 2020"
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 1/2021
Virtual Workshop “Building back better: Outlook for the European and Greek Economy”
Digital Press Conference
The imprint of German business in the Greek economy
Digital Discussion “Challenges and policy dilemmas in the digital services under the new EU framework (DSA-DMA) for markets, competition, and businesses”
Digital Press Conference: Electronic payments in Greece: Policies and effects on card usage, 2015-2020
e-Discussion "The effect of COVID-19 on the major economies of Europe: A year after"
Οnline discussion : Beyond Covid19: The way forward for Greek and German industries
e-Discussion "Education: Reform, Economy and Society"
“Evaluating the impact of labour market reforms in Greece during 2010-2018
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2020
e-Discussion:Science in the COVID-19 pandemic
Digital Press Conference 'Passenger shipping in Greece in the period 2016-2020: Performance, contribution to the economy and prospects'
Digital Press Conference: Annual Entrepreneurship Report 2019-2020
e-Discussion “Financing, private debt and the restart of the economy”
Commemorative Collective Volume in Honour of Takis Politis
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2020
e-Discussion ΙΟΒΕ 2020 IOBE – ΟΟΣΑ e-Seminar “OECD Economic Survey of Greece 2020- Recovering from COVID-19, boosting productivity, improving inclusiveness”
e-Discussion “Trends in the European Economy and the prospects for Greece in a post Covid-19 world”
Digital Press Conference:Macroeconomic and socioeconomic impact of the privatisation programme of the Hellenic Republic
Digital Press conference: The Greek Economy 2/2020
Digital Press Conference:Marine equipment manufacturers - trends, prospects and contribution to the Greek economy
European Semester e-Conference on Greece 2020
European Semester e-Conference on Greece 2020
Digital Press Conference: The pharmaceutical market in Greece: Facts & Figures 2019
e-Discussion “Greek manufacturing: development in the midst of a crisis?”
26th Economia Student Contest
e-Discussion “The view from the North”
e-Discussion "The effect of COVID-19 on the major economies of Europe"
e-Discussions IOBE 2020 - 2022: The Greek economy and the European context: (new) crisis and opportunities
Press conference: The Greek Economy 1ο/2020
Postponement Integrating Greece into the European Semester Policy Framework
Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2019
Lecture on “ Τrends in the European Economy and the prospects for Greece”
Συνέντευξη τύπου για την παρουσίαση ‘‘Ετήσιας Έκθεσης για την Επιχειρηματικότητα στην Ελλάδα’’
Lecture on “Economic Outlook: cyclical slowdown or secular stagnation?”
Economic, Social and Environmental footprint of Industrial Areas: The Importance of ETVA Industrial Area S.A.
Strategic Interventions for Industry Growth: Impact and Policy Analysis".
Συνέντευξη Τύπου «Ενίσχυση της αποταμίευσης και ανάπτυξη με μοχλό την κεφαλαιαγορά»
Low Emissions Vehicles in Greece: Challenges and prospects
Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2019
The Education System and the Economy: Building Human Capital in Greece
Press conference: The Greek Economy 2/2019
The growth prospects of the construction sector in Greece
Competitiveness, Institutions and Growth: European periphery and implications for northern Greece
Lecture on «The Outlook for the World Economy Risks, Opportunities, and Drivers of Growth»
Εκπαιδευτικές ανισότητες στην Ελλάδα: Πρόσβαση στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση και επιπτώσεις της κρίσης
The pharmaceutical market in Greece: Facts & Figures 2018
Pensions and Growth
Lecture on "Trends in industry concentration, market power and competition policy"
Integrating Greece into the European Semester Policy Framework
Exploring the effects of the economic crisis on the public and private financing of Greek education.
Lecture on “ Europe’s Growth Challenges”
Lectures on Global trends in economics, business and policy
Lecture on '' Health Systems Design in Developing Countries''
Opportunities and Challenges for the Greek manufacturing sector in the era of Industry 4.0
Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2018
Economic crisis, demographic changes and impact on education
Annual Report on Entrepreneurship
Press conference -Compensation cost indicators of hospital insurance programmes
Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2018
45ο Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics - EARIE 2018
Press conference: The Greek Economy 2/2018
Education and the labour market: Impact of the crisis and key challenges
Electronic payments after capital controls: Policy measures and tax revenues
Korea-Hellenic Maritime Cooperation Forum with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Hellenic Republic
Electronic payments after capital controls: Policy measures and tax revenues
Press conference: The Greek Economy 1/2018
«Ελληνική Βιομηχανία: Αλήθειες & Μύθοι»
The development of self-care and the benefits to public health and national economy
Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2017
Entrepreneurship in Greece
Η Τράπεζα Τροφίμων ως μέσο αντιμετώπισης της επισιτιστικής ένδειας στην Ελλάδα
Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2017
Beyond Austerity: a workshop on the growth prospects of the Greek Economy
Tertiary education in Greece
Financial analysis of the Greek municipalities
Press conference - “The Manufacturing sector in Greece: Trends and Prospects”
2017 Korean – Hellenic Cooperation Forum
Press conference: The Greek Economy 1/2017
Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2016
CEO summit « Η Δύναμη του Ενός στο Μαζί» Είναι η Συν-Εργασία λέξη ελληνική;
Entrepreneurship 2015-16: A turning point for the growth dynamics of the business sector
Press Conference: The Greek Economy 3/2016
45ο Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics - EARIE 2018
Lecture on
Korea-Hellenic Maritime Cooperation Forum In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Hellenic Republic
“Value Investing – the 3 W’s: Who, What and Why?”
Productivity slowdown: what do we know and what can we do?”
The crises of others: Greece and the Eurozone periphery
Press conference: The Greek Economy 1/2016
The contribution of the mining industry to the Greek economy
TOGME_EEDE: Macedonia Department Women & Youth Entrepreneurship: Importance, Influence and Perspective
Entrepreneurship in Greece 2014-15
Reaching our Potential: Competitiveness in the EU
Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2015
CEO Summit 2015: Could Greece Emerge as a Business Hub ?
2015 Korean Hellenic Partnership Plaza
Digital payments and tax evasion in Greece
Press conference: The Greek Economy 3/2015
Press conference: The Greek Economy 2/2015
“The Adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Digital Growth in Greece”
‘‘The prospects for the Greek Economy and the Euro zone’’
Press conference: The Greek Economy 1/2015
FEIR/IOBE notice on economic developments
Entrepreneurship in Greece 2013-14: The Dynamics of Youth Entrepreneurship
The importance of developing the construction sector: Obstacles and outlook
Press conference: The Greek Economy 4/2014
Public Debt, Reforms and Growth Prospects of the Greek Economy
The film industry in Greece: Economic impact
The contribution of coastal shipping to the Greek economy: Performance and outlook
Press conference: The Greek Economy 3nd/2014
Press conference:Evaluation of the current taxation regime for tobacco products in Greece
Press conference: The Greek Economy 2nd/2014
“The role of public administration in supporting business, trade and growth”
Lecture of PHILIPPE AGHION, Professor of Economics at Harvard University “Growth, Innovation and the ‘Smart’ State”
“The role of structural reforms and the outlook for the Greek economy”.
Series of Events for the European Economy on the Occasion of the Greek Presidency «Banks, Governments and Monetary Union in the crisis»
3rd Hellenic - Chinese Business Partnering Conference
Press conference: The Greek Economy
Series of Events for the European Economy on the Occasion of the Greek Presidency
«The economic effects of structural reforms»
Business & Consumer Surveys
"Entrepreneurship during the crisis"
Reforms and Growth
Entrepreneurship in Greece during 2012-13: Are there any Signs of Recovery in Small Entrepreneurship?
Business & Consumer Surveys
Growth and geopolitical aspects of the country’s energy dilemma
Press conference: The Greek Economy
Innovative Reconstruction of the Production Process. A modern industrial policy for Greece.
CEO Summit 2013
Dilemmas, challenges and opportunities for Greek foreign policy
Tax Reform: Assessing the ‘Flat Tax’ challenge
Business & Consumer Surveys
The illicit tobacco trade: The consequences for the Industry and the Economy
Greece: Reforms by looking to the future
Press conference: The Greek Economy
Business and Consumer Surveys (September 2013)
Speeches from the event 'The content of the development: Interview with Daniel Gros'
Press Release for the establishment of the IOBE Supporters Club
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Business and Consumer Surveys
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Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research, 11 Tsami Karatasou str, 117 42 Athens - Greece
Tel.: +30 210 9211200 - 211, Fax: +30 210 9228130, +30 210 9233977, E-mail: info @ iobe . gr
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