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The music creation and reproduction ecosystem in Greece: Economic contribution, prospects and challenges
Category: Microeconomic Analysis
SubCategory: Others
Date: 31/05/2023
The study scope is to map the music creation and reproduction ecosystem in Greece, assess the contribution of this ecosystem to the country’s economy and highlight the main challenges that it faces. In particular, the study assesses the footprint of the musical ecosystem in terms of GDP, labour revenues, fiscal revenues and employment, taking into account the sectoral composition of the Greek economy. In addition, it captures key features relating to the habits and consumer behaviour of music listeners in Greece, and perceptions for the use, creation or reproduction of music by professionals (creators, musicians and music users). In a representative sample of the country’s adult population, 4 out of 5 participants said they listened to music every day. Despite the importance of music to everyday users, 39.7% of the listeners do not pay for music, while 41.1% pay less than EUR 100 a year for buying music, watching concerts, and paying subscriptions. Music is crucial for the operation of food service and entertainment businesses. The experience with restrictive measures during the pandemic showed that the absence of music had a negative impact on the number of customers, their average length of stay, and the average amount that they spent. Of the enterprises that use music in their business 62.2% pay for music copyright, with the majority of them saying they pay less than EUR 500 a year. The music ecosystem in Greece contributes more than EUR 200 million to GDP annually, supporting around 5,400 full-time equivalent jobs. Limiting the unauthorised use of music, which would improve how the ecosystem functions overall, can – under certain conditions – increase the economic impact to EUR 300 million in GDP terms and to 7,900 full-time equivalents in employment terms.

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