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Impact of the Fit for 55 package on passenger shipping and the island economy of Greece
Category: Microeconomic Analysis
SubCategory: Others
Date: 10/10/2024
The study scope includes the assessment of the effects of the "Fit for 55" package on the operation of domestic passenger shipping and by extension to the economy of the island regions of the country. In particular, the study highlights the regulatory changes and their anticipated effects on passenger shipping operation, quantifies their impact on operating costs, ticket prices, traffic and the sector’s economic contribution, and examines the available options to mitigate these effects. According to the study, the implementation of the new climate policies included in the Fit for 55 package is estimated to increase the operation costs of domestic passenger shipping by EUR 320 million in 2031 (compared to a counterfactual scenario where the examined measures are not implemented), if no appropriate adjustment measures are taken. This burden can lead to a reduction in passenger traffic by more than 10% in the same year. The reduced activity of the sector and the lower number of visitors to the islands of the country can lead to a reduction of GDP by more than EUR 650 million in 2031, while in terms of employment the loss of jobs is estimated at about 16,000 jobs in the Greek economy (island regions and mainland).

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